Welcome to Transcendental Psychology (TP)

Psychology really means the science of soul.Transcendental psychology or TP comes closer to this definition than conventional psychology.

Transcendental Psychology, transcends the plane of operation of conventional psychology in terms of its basic assumptions, principles, objectives and goals and most importantly, methods.

It is governed by the rules or laws of truth or reality or eternal laws.

Since Transcendental Psychology is governed by a set of natural principles, or eternal laws it enables its application in a far less ambiguous and less subjective fashion than traditional psychology.

TP uses these laws to free the human being from the tentacles of the collective human consciousness, which continuously perpetrates mediocrity and misery in man.

By helping man to break free from these shackles,Transcendental Psychology can help man to realize his full potential.

Ultimately, walking the path of TP, one can move to higher planes of thought, efficiency, wisdom and bliss, hitherto not even imaginable and in ways that are enduring and easily verifiable.

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